



Paikkatietoikkuna is the national geoportal presenting spatial data and related services from different data producers. Paikkatietoikkuna is an important part of Finland's implementation of Inspire.

How is Oskari used?

The website contains over 2500 map layers from more than 60 organisations. By using the service, users can look at several superimposed map layers, embed a map on your own website, make statistical thematic maps and perform simple spatial data analyses. The map layers are imported via APIs, which means that the data in each map layer is as up to date as in the services of the particular data producer. Data producers are responsible for their data. On weekdays the geoportal has over 4000 daily users.

The first implementation of the Oskari open source code was the first version of Paikkatietoikkuna. Also today all the code in Paikkatietoikkuna will be adopted in the Oskari.

Who is the map service for?

Paikkatietoikkuna is intended for both spatial data professionals and everyone who is interested in maps and spatial data.

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