
Statistics Finland's map service

Statistics Finland's map service

Statistics Finland's map service

All of Statistics Finland's open geospatial data sets are available through Statistics Finland's map service. Statistics Finland's open spatial data sets consist mainly of statistical regions and statistical data combined with them.

How is Oskari used ?

Statistics Finland's map service's data include municipality-based statistical areas, Paavo postcode areas, educational institutions, industrial and production facilities, and road traffic accidents.

As statistical data, the service includes population data by municipality-based statistical areas and statistical grids (1 km x 1 km and 5 km x 5 km). All map layers can be found as both WFS and WMS web services.

In the map service, it is also possible to make statistical thematic maps. The available statistical data behind is the Municipal Key Figures service data used via PX-Web API. In addition to thematic maps, it is also possible to view data as time series. The service also has a Download Basket function, which allows you to download geospatial data sets for yourself.

Who is the map service for?

Anyone interested in statistical regions and statistical data.

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