
City of Tampere

City of Tampere

City of Tampere

The City of Tampere is one of Oskari's longest-standing users. The City of Tampere Map Service is a public view of the information the city provides to its citizens, but Oskari is also used internally by city officials.

How is Oskari used?

The user IDs of city officials have been integrated into the Oskari installation through role-based management. In this way, data integrity is maintained. The right people are able to edit and view the datasets they are authorised to edit and view.

Tampere provides and maintains a wide range of substantive data in a geospatial format. Through role-based management, this information can also be viewed by our various stakeholders through our map service. More than 1000 different map layers are available for internal use, of which 500 are publicly available.

The City of Tampere was one of the organisations that developed the hierarchical layer list function in Oskar. This development is one good example of how we can create features in Oskar that others are also interested in. The hierarchical layer is now part of Oskar's community packages.

The Oskari RPC has been used to implement a file download service with a link to the download service. The service provides downloads of aerial photographs and other planning source material.

Who is the map service for?

The main use is for residents, City of Tampere staff and the city stakeholders.

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