Save organization which offers map layers. Without layerclass_id this creates a new organization - otherwise this is handled as an update. User needs to have admin rights.
Name | Type | Description | Required? |
layerclass_id | String | Organization's id. This is needed when updating organization's data | **false** |
parent_id | String | Organization's id. This is needed when the current layer is a sublayer. | **false** |
sub_maplayers_selectable | String | Allow selection of sub maplayers | **false** |
sub_legend_image | String | Legend image of sublayers | **false** |
sub_data_url | String | Data url for sublayers | **false** |
group_map | String | //TODO | **false** |
name_fi | String | Name of organization in Finnish | **false** |
name_sv | String | Name of organization in Swedish | **false** |
name_en | String | Name of organization in English | **false** |
HTTP statuscode 200 and null
HTTP statuscode 500 and error stacktrace
Example query for Paikkatietoikkuna
Response: null
Last modified: Tue Sep 17 2024 12:23:36 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)