Configuration options for vector feature layers

Vector features can come from WFS or OGC API Features endpoint and displaying them can be customized with a config on the database table oskari_maplayer.

For example localized names can be given for feature properties with a JSON-configuration on the attributes column.

For example consider a GeoJSON presentation of a vector feature like this:

    geometry: {...},
    properties: {
        NAME: 'Place name',
        LINK: '',
        IMG: ''
        RENT: '100€/day',
        DESCRIPTION: 'This is a nice place'

You could configure oskari_maplayer.attributes with:

  "data": {
    "filter": [
    "locale": {
      "en": {
        "RENT": "Rental price",
        "LINK": "More information"
      "fi": {
        "RENT": "Vuokrahinta",
        "LINK": "Lisätietoja"
    "format": {
      "NAME": {
        "type": "h2",
        "noLabel": true
      "DESCRIPTION": {
        "type": "p",
        "noLabel": true
      "IMG": {
        "type": "image",
        "noLabel": true,
        "params": {
            "link": true
      "LINK": {
        "type": "link"
  "maxFeatures": 1000,
  "namespaceURL": ""


  • data see below for details optional
  • maxFeatures limit for features that is requested from service (defaults to ?) optional
  • namespaceURL The feature namespace URI (needs more details where this is used) optional


  • filter configures what properties are shown and in what order (refers to actual property names of the feature)
  • locale is an object with keys based on language codes. The language objects are used to map a user-friendly name for the actual properties name.
  • format has keys based on the property names with objects that can define type to decide how to show/format the property value. It can also include noLabel property if you don't want to show the property label to the user and only show the value of the property.


You can also configure the filter with language specific handling:

  "data": {
    "filter": {
        "default": [
        "fi": [
        "en": [


Recognized types include:

  • link renders an a-tag using the value as href-attribute
  • image renders an img-tags using the value for src-attribute. The image can also be wrapped to a link-tag so it can be opened in another tab using the params option seen above.
  • html-tags like h1-h5, p, i, b, em

An application based on Oskari can also add handling for additional types in their code base with ValueFormatters:

import { setFormatter } from './path/to/ValueFormatters';
setFormatter('title', (value) => `<h1>${value}</h1>`);

The above would add a formatter for type title that wraps the value to an h1-tag.

Last modified: Fri Mar 15 2024 14:11:33 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)