Source: src/BasicBundle.js

 * @class BasicBundle
 * @abstract
 * @hideconstructor
 * @classdesc
 * Oskari.BasicBundle.
 * For inheritance only.
Oskari.clazz.define('Oskari.BasicBundle', function () {
     * Oskari sandbox.
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    var sandbox = null; // Separate declaration for documentation.
    this.sandbox = sandbox;
}, {
     * Override in subclass! Empty string by default.
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    __name: '',

     * Name of the Bundle. Extending classes should declare their own __name property.
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    getName: function () {
        return this.__name;

     * @memberof BasicBundle
     * @param {Oskari.mapframework.event.Event} event A Oskari event object.
     * Event is handled forwarded to correct {@link BasicBundle#eventHandlers|eventHandler}
     * if found or discarded if not.
    onEvent: function (event) {
        var handler = this.eventHandlers[event.getName()];
        if (!handler) {
        return, event);

     * Oskari event handlers
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    eventHandlers: {},

     * Oskari request handlers
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    requestHandlers: {},

     * Module protocol method.
     * @memberof BasicBundled
    init: function () { },

     * Called from sandbox.
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    start: function (sandbox) {
        this.sandbox = sandbox;

        Object.keys(this.requestHandlers).forEach(function (requestName) {
            sandbox.requestHandler(requestName, this.requestHandlers[requestName].call(this));
        }, this);
        Object.keys(this.eventHandlers).forEach(function (eventName) {
            sandbox.registerForEventByName(this, eventName);
        }, this);

        if (this._startImpl) {

     * Called from sandbox.
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    update: function (sandbox) { },

     * Called from sandbox.
     * @memberof BasicBundle
    stop: function (sandbox) {
        Object.keys(this.requestHandlers).forEach(function (requestName) {
            sandbox.requestHandler(requestName, null);
        }, this);
        Object.keys(this.eventHandlers).forEach(function (eventName) {
            sandbox.unregisterFromEventByName(this, eventName);
        }, this);

}, {
    'protocol': ['Oskari.bundle.BundleInstance', 'Oskari.mapframework.module.Module']