Source: state/StateHandler.js

export class StateHandler {
     * @class StateHandler
     * @classdesc For shallowly immutable UI state handling
    constructor () {
        this.stateListeners = [];
        this.state = {};
        this.stashedState = null;

     * @returns {object} Current state
    getState () {
        return this.state;

     * @param {Object} state A new state replacing the previous one.
    setState (state) {
        this.state = state;

     * @param {Object} props Extends and overrides keys in state.
    updateState (props) {
        this.state = {

     * Stashes current state so it can be returned to later on.
    stashCurrentState () {
        if (this.stashedState) {
            // Prevent accidentally overwriting stashed state.
        this.stashedState = { ...this.state };

     * To check if we have a state in stash.
     * @return {boolean} True, if we have state in stash.
    hasStashedState () {
        return !!this.stashedState;

     * Retain previously stashed state. Clears the stash.
    useStashedState () {
        if (this.stashedState) {
        this.stashedState = null;

     * Register a listener function. Listeners will be called every time the state changes.
     * @param {function} consumer The consumer function.
    addStateListener (consumer) {

     * Handles calling registered listeners.
     * @private
    notify () {
        if (this.timeout) {
        // This allows multiple small state updates to be run one after another before re-rendering is triggered
        this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
            this.stateListeners.forEach(consumer => consumer(this.getState()));
            this.timeout = null;
        }, 10);