Crowdfunding campaing for Oskari?

Companies and NGOs have the possibility to search crowdfunding for Oskari developement - and we want to support this! Here are some guidelines and hints how to do it.

When to start seeking crowdfunding?

  • When your organisation needs outside funding to develop the needed feature / issue
  • There are multiple parties interested in the same development topics
  • The feature / development idea has been described in Oskari GitHub as the issue and has had an positive evaluation by Oskari PSC

Guide for crowdfunding

Company or community organizes the crowdfunding campaign (provides project plan, provides the prize and organizes the campaign). Inform about it to and Oskari community manager will help out in the marketing.

When new functionalities are developed for Oskari, wheather they be crowdfunded or not, consider also the future maintanence. Include maintanence costs for the development project atleast for the next 2 years. It is also appreciated if some funding would be allocated to the development of Oskari core.

If you are planning a crowdfunding case, here are some hints:

  • Inform the estimated prize for the work (include VAT)
  • Describe what is the purpose and what is being developed (add mockups, links, describe use cases)
  • Add preliminary schedule
  • Add information about who is developing, if the funds are received in full
  • Add information about who is responsible of invoicing, if other than the developer
  • Provide a sheet for the invoice information or use ready made paying services (usually works only for individual donators)
  • List possible organisations utilizing the developed functionality
  • When the funding has been gathered, the company or community starts developing the feature. In this phase inform about it through GitHub or Oskari mailing list.
  • When the feature is finished, remember to maintain it in the future also.

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)