Open Source

All the developed code is released under Open Source Licenses (MIT/EUPL). Oskari uses standard Open Source components such as OpenLayers, GeoTools and GeoServer.

OSGeo incubation

Currently Oskari is in the incubation process to become an OSGeo member project: Responsive image

Oskari Community

Oskari Community owns Oskari software. Community-pages

How is Oskari implemented?

  • Oskari user interface is implemented as a collection of reusable bundles. Bundles are used as uniform containers to ship and share new functionality to the application setups.

  • Additions to existing functionality are implemented as Plugins shipped within the bundles.

  • Server-side functionality of the platform is implemented as a Java servlet, which can also be extended to handle new functionality.

  • Oskari uses standard Open Source components such as OpenLayers, GeoTools, GeoServer, Jackson and jQuery. The developed Open Source code stitches these applications together and makes it possible to extend the functionality of the platform in a coordinated manner.

  • Oskari enables controlled extensibility. The service platform is kept flexible: functionality can be added both to the user interface and the server, and the application libraries can be changed.

Latest news:

Oskari presentations in GeoForum Summit on 7.10.2024!

Finland’s largest event in the geospatial industry will be held on 7.-8. of October. We have three presentations about Oskari!

Webinar: Getting started with Oskari 27.9.2024 9:00 - 11:00 AM!

We'll be hosting a webinar about Oskari. Click here for more info & send in your questions!

Oskari blog

News and tidings can be found in the blog