Goals of the Community

Develop open source Oskari sofware into more universal, versatile and user friendly tool for using geospatial data.

Avoid overlapping work

  • Arrange the schedules of your development schemes together with the Oskari Roadmap
  • Activate different processes aiming to develop Oskari
  • Bring forth the requests and ideas before the actual development work starts

Share experiences and information

  • Report planned or ongoing Oskari related projects
  • Share information about Oskari functionalities and bring forth possible development proposals

Community Tasks

  • Familiarize your self with the Oskari procedure of how to contribute.
  • Find support for software development from other members of the community. See communication channels
  • Discuss about the software architecture and develop the software.
  • Evaluate the possible add-on software and technologies
  • Create bug reports or improvement proposals to GitHub.
  • Document the developed features and code properly and make sure the PSC receives information about the developed issues (see also Reporting issues & documenting)
  • Publish the developed results as open source according to licencing provided by OSGeo Foundation and Oskari

Community Roles

See Oskari Community Roles

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)