CreateAnalysisLayer (POST)

  1. Receives parameters for WPS processing and for analysis db transactions
  2. Receives query filter parameters and builds filter xml for WPS processing
  3. Refills WPS execute xml and post requests that to GeoServer wps service
  4. Proxy request WPS execute and transforms response results (FeatureCollection) to WFS-T
  5. Executes WFS-T (analysis geom data) through GeoServer to Analysis DB
  6. Stores other data (column mappings, styles) to Analysis db (iBatis)
  7. Responses results back to front (layeranalysis id)


  • analyse=JSON

    name method fields layerId layerType methodParams opasicty style bbox filter
    Analyysi_* buffer||aggregate||union||intersect eg. {name, address,..}||all||none eg. 270 eg. {distance:100} eg. 80 (0-100) eg. {style:...} eg. {"left":32818,...} eg. {}
  • filter=JSON

    bbox filters
    eg. {"left":32818,...} eg. [{"attribute": "", "operator": "="||"~="||"≠"||">"||"<"||"≥"||"≤", "value": "

Raw example analyse=

{ "analyse": { "name": "Analyysi_Pirkanmaan", "method": "buffer", "fields": "all", "layerId": 270, "layerType": "wfs", "methodParams": { "distance": "100" }, "opacity": 100, "style": { "dot": { "size": "4", "color": "CC9900" }, "line": { "size": "2", "color": "CC9900" }, "area": { "size": "2", "lineColor": "CC9900", "fillColor": "FFDC00" } }, "bbox": { "left": 328184.757, "bottom": 6821539.408, "right": 331604.757, "top": 6823401.408 } }, "filter": { "bbox": { "left": 328184.757, "bottom": 6821539.408, "right": 331604.757, "top": 6823401.408 }, "filters": [ { "attribute": "name", "operator": "=", "value": "Poliisi" }, { "boolean": "OR" }, { "attribute": "name", "operator": "~=", "value": "poliisi" } ] } }

Methods (status 12.11.2014)

Buffer (WPS vec:BufferFeatureCollection)

Buffers features by a distance value supplied either as a parameter or by a feature attribute. Calculates buffers based on Cartesian distances.

Aggregate (WPS vec:Aggregate)

Computes one or more aggregation functions on a feature attribute. Functions include Count, Average, Max, Median, Min, StdDev, and Sum.


Combines two equal structured analysis to one analysis via db operations

Clipping (WPS gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection2)

Clip feature collection and returns new feature collection with clipped geometrys and original properties.

Intersect (WPS gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection2)

Spatial intersection of two feature collections, incuding attributes of 2nd collection. 1st feature collection is for geometry select. There is no geometry clipping. Two modes available:

within (takes 2nd collection features, which are totally inside 1st features intersect (takes inside and intertecting features)

Multiple buffers and Sectors (WPS gs:ZoneSectorFeatureCollection)

Returns sectorised zones feature collection of input feature collection. Sector count must be between 0-12


Returns feature collection of differences in one property of two input collections. Method uses WFS GetFeature join request and GeoTools encoding/parsing.

Spatial join (WPS gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection2)

Spatial intersection of two feature collections, incuding selected attributes of 1st and 2nd collection. 1st feature collection is for geometry select. There is no geometry clipping. Two modes available:


Raw example

{ "result": "", "wpsUrl": "", "type": "analysislayer", "orgName": "Analysis", "id": 270, "minScale": 80000, "wpsName": "", "name": "Analyysi_Pirkanmaan", "subtitle": "", "opacity": 100, "wpsLayerId": 136, "inspire": "Analysis", "maxScale": 1, "fields": ["nimi", "osoite"] }


  • new Analysis layer in Analysis DB (new WPSlayerId in the response)

  • if WpsLayerId == -1, then WPS method doesn't return FeatureCollection (eg. aggregate method) and there is no new analysis layer

  • if WpsLayerId == 0 --> something went wrong

  • if WpsLayerId > 0 --> ok, new analysis layer is created


Example query for Paikkatietoikkuna

Last modified: Tue Sep 17 2024 12:23:36 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)