CreateAnalysisLayer (POST)
- Receives parameters for WPS processing and for analysis db transactions
- Receives query filter parameters and builds filter xml for WPS processing
- Refills WPS execute xml and post requests that to GeoServer wps service
- Proxy request WPS execute and transforms response results (FeatureCollection) to WFS-T
- Executes WFS-T (analysis geom data) through GeoServer to Analysis DB
- Stores other data (column mappings, styles) to Analysis db (iBatis)
- Responses results back to front (layeranalysis id)
name method fields layerId layerType methodParams opasicty style bbox filter Analyysi_* buffer||aggregate||union||intersect eg. {name, address,..}||all||none eg. 270 eg. {distance:100} eg. 80 (0-100) eg. {style:...} eg. {"left":32818,...} eg. {} filter=JSON
bbox filters eg. {"left":32818,...} eg. [{"attribute": " ", "operator": "="||"~="||"≠"||">"||"<"||"≥"||"≤", "value": "
Raw example analyse=
{ "analyse": { "name": "Analyysi_Pirkanmaan", "method": "buffer", "fields": "all", "layerId": 270, "layerType": "wfs", "methodParams": { "distance": "100" }, "opacity": 100, "style": { "dot": { "size": "4", "color": "CC9900" }, "line": { "size": "2", "color": "CC9900" }, "area": { "size": "2", "lineColor": "CC9900", "fillColor": "FFDC00" } }, "bbox": { "left": 328184.757, "bottom": 6821539.408, "right": 331604.757, "top": 6823401.408 } }, "filter": { "bbox": { "left": 328184.757, "bottom": 6821539.408, "right": 331604.757, "top": 6823401.408 }, "filters": [ { "attribute": "name", "operator": "=", "value": "Poliisi" }, { "boolean": "OR" }, { "attribute": "name", "operator": "~=", "value": "poliisi" } ] } }
Methods (status 12.11.2014)
Buffer (WPS vec:BufferFeatureCollection)
Buffers features by a distance value supplied either as a parameter or by a feature attribute. Calculates buffers based on Cartesian distances.
Aggregate (WPS vec:Aggregate)
Computes one or more aggregation functions on a feature attribute. Functions include Count, Average, Max, Median, Min, StdDev, and Sum.
Combines two equal structured analysis to one analysis via db operations
Clipping (WPS gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection2)
Clip feature collection and returns new feature collection with clipped geometrys and original properties.
Intersect (WPS gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection2)
Spatial intersection of two feature collections, incuding attributes of 2nd collection. 1st feature collection is for geometry select. There is no geometry clipping. Two modes available:
within (takes 2nd collection features, which are totally inside 1st features intersect (takes inside and intertecting features)
Multiple buffers and Sectors (WPS gs:ZoneSectorFeatureCollection)
Returns sectorised zones feature collection of input feature collection. Sector count must be between 0-12
Returns feature collection of differences in one property of two input collections. Method uses WFS GetFeature join request and GeoTools encoding/parsing.
Spatial join (WPS gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection2)
Spatial intersection of two feature collections, incuding selected attributes of 1st and 2nd collection. 1st feature collection is for geometry select. There is no geometry clipping. Two modes available:
Raw example
{ "result": "", "wpsUrl": "", "type": "analysislayer", "orgName": "Analysis", "id": 270, "minScale": 80000, "wpsName": "", "name": "Analyysi_Pirkanmaan", "subtitle": "", "opacity": 100, "wpsLayerId": 136, "inspire": "Analysis", "maxScale": 1, "fields": ["nimi", "osoite"] }
new Analysis layer in Analysis DB (new WPSlayerId in the response)
if WpsLayerId == -1, then WPS method doesn't return FeatureCollection (eg. aggregate method) and there is no new analysis layer
if WpsLayerId == 0 --> something went wrong
if WpsLayerId > 0 --> ok, new analysis layer is created
Example query for Paikkatietoikkuna
Last modified: Tue Sep 17 2024 12:23:36 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)