Jetty 9.4.12 with pre-installed/configured Oskari

After this you will have Oskari running including


Setting up Jetty

  1. Download the Jetty Bundle

  2. Unpack the zip file to selected location

The zip includes, jetty-distribution-9.4.12.v20180830 (referred as {jetty.home}) and oskari-server folder (referred as {jetty.base})

  1. Configure the database properties (host/credentials) by editing {jetty.base}/resources/

    db.url=jdbc:postgresql://[host]:[port]/[dbname] db.username=[user] db.password=[passwd]

  2. Startup the Jetty by running (in {jetty.base})

    java -jar ../jetty-distribution-9.4.12.v20180830/start.jar

Note that for folder references it's important where you run the command/what is the working directory so run the command in oskari-server folder and refer to start.jar under the {jetty.home}:

  1. After Jetty is up and running open a browser with URL


You can login as:

  • user with username "user" and password "user"
  • admin with username "admin" and password "oskari"


The preconfigured Jetty uses these defaults. These can be changed by modifying {jetty.base}/resources/


  • redis running on localhost at default port (6379)

Database (Postgres with postgis extension)

  • db URL: localhost in default port (5432)
  • db name: oskaridb
  • db user: oskari/oskari

Oskari (provided in Jetty bundle)

Custom configurations

Removing the unnecessary parts

Oskari-server can run with just the oskari-map webapp. If you don't need all the features, you can remove them from under {jetty.base}/webapps.

You will also need to remove the corresponding parts of the UI so users don't have access to them. This is done by removing "bundles" from "appsetups" (these are Oskari concepts: bundles provide functionalities and appsetup defines which bundles are used in your app) and currently it needs to be done by modifying the database content. Bundles are linked to appsetups in the database table portti_view_bundle_seq and functionalities are removed from the UI by deleting rows from the table.

Editing article content

  • User guide: edit the file in {jetty.base}/resources/articlesByTag/userguide.html
  • Publisher terms of use: edit the file in {jetty.base}/resources/articlesByTag/termsofuse__mappublication__en.html

Changing the default port

  • provide port in command line:

    java -jar ${jetty.home}/start.jar jetty.http.port=8080

  • change {jetty.base}/resources/ where ever 8080 is referenced

Proxy settings

If you need a proxy to access internet you can configure it in {jetty.base}/start.d/oskari.ini


Database url/name/user/pass are changed

{jetty.base}/resources/ needs to be updated


Using external Redis

{jetty.base}/resources/ needs to be updated


How the Jetty bundle was built

See the inside the zip-file for details

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)