Oskari class

Most code in Oskari is defined as classes. Defining a class is a simple call to Oskari.clazz.define() method:

function(pState) {
    this._state = this.states[pState || 'open'];
}, {
     * @property states
    states : {
        'open' : 1,
        'close' : 2
    getState : function() {
        return this._state;
    // a list of protocols this class implements
    "protocol" : []

The define method takes parameters that it uses to produce a class prototype:

 * Defines a class implementation in Oskari framework
 * @method define
 * @param {String} name fully qualified class name
 * @param {Function} contructor the method that will be called on create that should initialize any class properties. 
 *        It can also have parameters that can be passed when creating an instance of the class
 * @param {Object} implementation JavaScript object defining the methods and 'static' properties of the class
 * @param {Object} metadata (optional) class metadata which can for example declare which protocols/interfaces the class implements   

Once a class has been defined, it can be created by calling Oskari.clazz.create() method and it's methods can be called:

var openState = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mynamespace.MyClass'),
    closeState = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mynamespace.MyClass', 'close');

alert('MyClass open state is ' + openState.getState());
alert('MyClass close state is ' + closeState.getState());

The create method returns an instance of the class which you specify as parameter:

 * Creates an instance of Oskari framework class
 * @method create
 * @param {String} name fully qualified class name
 * @param {Object} params (optional 0-n) parameters that are passed to the constructor. All the parameters after the class name will be passed.
 * @return {Object} instantiated class prototype


Classes can declare implementing a protocol (none to many) or classes can also be used to define a protocol. A protocol can be thought of as an interface declaration and contract for a set of functions that a class must provide/implement. For example for a class to register to Oskari sandbox it needs to implement the Oskari.mapframework.module.Module protocol which defines that the class must have for example a getName() and onEvent() methods. This way we can depend that any registered component can handle operations that will be expected from registered components.

Oskari.clazz.define('Oskari.mynamespace.MyProtocol', function() {}, {
  "myProtocolMethod": function(arg) {}

Defining a protocol class is not really used for anything other than explaining what methods an implementation should offer. Oskari class system provides functions to query classes that implement a protocol:

var classesImplementingProtocol = Oskari.clazz.protocol("Oskari.mynamespace.MyProtocol");


Oskari Clazz system supports splitting Class implementations in multiple compilation units (files) by a Category concept. This means you can add functions to an existing class to "extend" it. When loading asynchronously a stub class is defined if class definition is not yet loaded.

Oskari.clazz.category('Oskari.mynamespace.MyClass', 'my-set-of-methods', {  
  "myOtherMethod" : function() {
    return "one";
  "myAnotherMethod" : function() {
    return "two";

When the category() method call has completed, your class will have the new methods declared in the category call and they can be called as any original method in the class prototype:

var openState = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mynamespace.MyClass');

The category method takes parameters that it uses to extend a class prototype:

 * Appends a class implementation in Oskari framework
 * @method category 
 * @param {String} name fully qualified class name
 * @param {String} categoryName identifier for the set of methods.
 * @param {Object} implementation JavaScript object defining new methods and 'static' properties for the class

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)