ArcGis layer data structure

Layertype arcgis93layer Structure is like WMS/WFS layer, look at sample data


  • id {String}: Systems internal id for the layer (unique and cannot include characters reserved for css-selectors)
  • type {String}: "arcgis93layer" for ArcGis Rest layer
  • wmsUrl {String}: base url for getting image and GFI use rest/export url
  • wmsName {String}: use ArcGis layer name id for the name. GFI is not supported for group layer

Sample data

    admin: {
        inspireId: 22,
        organizationId: 91,
        password: "",
        url: "",
        username: ""
    attributes: {},
    baseLayerId: -1,
    created: "2015-08-25T15:18Z",
    id: 1322,
    inspire: "Aluesuunnittelu ja rajoitukset",
    layerName: "0",
    legendImage: "",
    maxScale: 1,
    minScale: 15000000,
    name: {
        en: "ArcGistest",
        fi: "ArcGistest",
        sv: "ArcGistest"
    opacity: 100,
    options: {},
    orgName: "aTeam Oskari",
    params: {},
    permissions: {
        download: "download_permission_ok",
        edit: true,
        publish: "publication_permission_ok"
    realtime: false,
    refreshRate: 0,
    srs_name: "EPSG:3067",
    subtitle: {
        en: "",
        fi: "",
        sv: ""
    type: "arcgis93layer",
    updated: "2015-08-25T15:18Z",
    url: "",
    version: "1.0.0",
    wmsName: "0",
    wmsUrl: ""

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)