Adding 3rd party JavaScript libraries

Usually using npm install --save to add a library and import it as ES-module is enough and the recommended approach. However sometimes you might need a more old-school approach that is described below:

  • Add library files under [oskari-frontend or your repository]/libraries/<yourLibrary>/

  • If your library is just for your own bundle

    • reference library files in your bundle.js
  • If your library is for several bundles

    • create a new bundle.js under [oskari-frontend or your repository]/packages/libraries/<yourLibrary>/
    • include this new "library bundle" in the startup sequence of your bundle

Example of library bundle.js:

(function() {
     * @class Oskari.libraries.bundle.geostats.GeostatsBundle
    Oskari.clazz.define("Oskari.libraries.bundle.geostats.GeostatsBundle", function() {
    }, {
        "create" : function() {
            return this;
        "update" : function(manager, bundle, bi, info) {},
        "start" : function() {},
        "stop" : function() {}
    }, {
        "protocol" : ["Oskari.bundle.Bundle","Oskari.bundle.BundleInstance"],
        "source" : {
            "scripts" : [{
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "src" : "../../../../libraries/geostats/geostats.min.js"
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "src" : "../../../../libraries/geostats/jenks.util.js"
    // Install this bundle by instantating the Bundle Class
    Oskari.bundle_manager.installBundleClass("geostats", "Oskari.libraries.bundle.geostats.GeostatsBundle");

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)