Oskari Features


  • Support for multiple languages. Currently English, Finnish and Swedish are available. A limited set of functionalities have been translated into following languages:
    • Estonian
    • German
    • French
    • Italian
    • Spanish
    • Dutch
    • Nynorsk
    • Norsk bokmål
    • Slovenian
    • Slovakian
    • Icelandic
  • Works with all major browsers: IE9+, latest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari
  • The interface should work with modern tablets and smartphones, currently there is no separate mobile/tablet-optimized version of the main map
    • Embedded map tools are gradually developed into responsive tools which work well with smaller screens and are touch-friendly
  • Some Oskari modules can make use of role-based user management. Users belonging to different roles can be given access to specific functionality
  • Authentication and SSO is supported using SAML 2.0

Map window

  • Supported layer types:
  • WMS
  • WMTS
  • WFS (requires backend)
  • ArcGIS Cache layers
  • ArcGIS REST feature layers
  • Tile size and image format parameters are configurable
  • Coordinate system is configurable
  • Coordinate display adapts according to configured coordinate system
  • Zoom bar with a configurable number of zoom levels
  • Pan map view
  • Restore initial map state
  • Scale bar


  • Always active, starts by a single click / tap on the map
  • All GFI enabled map layers are queried on the single click
  • Response is shown in a popup dialog
  • Response can be styled using XSLT transformation (requires backend)
  • Multiple response types are supported

Mouse click functions

  • Panning by dragging
  • Zoom in by double clicking on the map
  • GetFeatureInfo action with a single click on all map layers with GFI enabled
  • Feature information is returned also from WFS layers

  • Menu entries can be configured individually
  • Menu can be hidden (together with the toolbar)

  • One-field search which can return search results from multiple sources, such as placename, address, cadastral parcel or similar services
  • Service access parameters are configurable in the backend

  • Search for metadata from a CSW backend
  • Advanced search options
  • Display resulting layers on the map

Map layer selector

  • List of available map layers, grouped either by theme or by data provider
  • Add map layer to map view
  • Filter layers function
  • Show metadata for layers (link to the metadata display module, which accesses CSW interface)
  • Supported layer types are:
  • map layer
  • map layer stack,
  • background map layer
  • WFS layer
  • thematic map layer
  • analysis results layer
  • own data layer
  • time-enabled WMS layer (WMS-T)
  • New map layer types can be added programmatically

Selected map layers

  • List of layers displayed in the map view
  • Layers have localized titles and subtitles (optional)
  • Layer opacity can be controlled using a slidebar or by entering opacity percentage
  • Layers can be temporarily hidden and shown
  • Show metadata for layer (link to the metadata display portlet, which accesses CSW interface)
  • Layers can be organized in the layer stack by dragging and dropping
  • WFS layers provide a link to attribute information table
  • WFS layer style can be changed on a temporary basis
  • GeoServer-backed WMS-layers can be visualized as heatmaps
  • For WMS-layers the available styles can be viewed and selected for use

Map Legends

  • Flyout shows map legends from all selected layers


  • Toolbar buttons can be disabled and enabled individually
  • Toolbar can be hidden
  • Restore initial map state button
  • Map view history manager: back and forward buttons
  • Rubber band zoom button
  • Drag & pan button (enabled by default)
  • Measurement tools: distance and area
  • Marker tool: markers with associated text can be created on the map and sent as link
  • Link map view: creates an url which opens the current map view
  • Print map view: starts the print mode
  • Save map view: Map view configurations can be saved by logged-in user
  • Find nearest place tool: Find the nearest placename by clicking on the map
  • Tools can be made to appear when a specific map layer is added to selected layers list

Flyout manager

  • Flyouts can be opened from the menu, moved around the map window and closed by the user or programmatically
  • Flyout size adapts to screen size
  • Some flyouts can be resized by the user

WFS layers and attribute data table (requires backend)

  • Attribute data from WFS layers can be displayed in an attribute table
  • Also complex schema WFS layers can be displayed
  • Table view is synchronized with the map view: attribute rows are shown only for the features visible on the map
  • Columns to be shown can be selected
  • Data can be sorted ascending/descending
  • Features can be highlighted by clicking either on the map or in the table rows
  • Shift / Ctrl can be used to select multiple rows

Create map mode (requires backend)

  • Tool for creating embedded map windows
  • The embeddable map window is shown in WYSIWYG mode
  • The embedded map has same basic functions as the main map
  • Embedded map parameters are name, website and language
  • Size can be configured
  • Tools available in the embedded map: scale bar, index map, zoom bar, search field
  • Map functions which can be enabled or disabled: panning by dragging, GetFeatureInfo
  • Created embedded maps are saved and can be later edited
  • Status of an embedded map can be either published or unpublished

My Data (requires backend)

  • Points, lines and areas can be created and saved
  • Multigeometries and creation of holes is supported
  • Multiple layers can be created
  • Symbology is separately configurable for each layer
  • Description of map view can be edited and may contain links to external resources

  • Paper size and layout selection
  • Automatic Print preview window
  • Printout format selection: PNG or PDF, also PDF/A
  • Title, scalebar, date and a logo can be added, also text and markers of your choice

Import data (requires backend)

  • Supported format for importing data as zipped files
  • Shapefile
  • Mapinfo MID/MIF
  • GPX trace
  • KMX (zipped KML)

Embedded map features (requires backend)

  • Zooming and panning
  • Measure tools
  • GetFeatureInfo
  • WFS tabular data display
  • Map layer menu
  • Supported layer types
  • WMS
  • WMTS
  • WFS
  • My Data
  • Imported data
  • Thematic Maps and Tables
  • Analysis results
  • ArcGIS rest Feature Layer
  • Address, placename and real estate search
  • Customizable layout (colours and tool positioning)
  • Customizable size (preset size, fill space available)
  • Find my location
  • RPC API for interaction with the web site where the map is embedded
  • RPC API features are listed separately here: http://oskari.org/examples/rpc-api/

Thematic Maps (requires backend)


  • Creation of thematic maps by joining statistical data and administrative units
  • Importing own statistical indicators
  • Downloading of indicator data into CSV/Excel formats

Spatial Analysis (requires backend)


  • Available analysis methods:
  • Buffer
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Union
  • Clip
  • Geometric filter
  • Analysis Layer Union
  • Buffers and sectors
  • Difference Computation
  • Spatial join
  • Draw your own feature to be used in analysis
  • Clip a feature
  • The analysis tool also provides functionality to use search channel results as input for analysis.

Authentication and user management (requires backend)

  • Bundle for user management
  • Bundle for management of layers privileges

Digiroad Feature selector

  • Adds a grid to display features fetched via WFS or some other protocol supported by OpenLayers
  • Users can view the features and edit their attributes
  • Features get added to the grid when the user clicks on the map. Alt and Ctrl keys can be used as modifiers
  • A proxy is needed in case features are fetched via WFS

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)