Authentication in oskari-server

Note! This document might contain old information as it was based on JAAS authentication that is no longer available out of the box.

This document describes how to setup an authentication for oskari-server.

Database based custom authentication under oskari-server/servlet-map can handle setting principal in http request based on http-parameter. It uses UserService.login(username, password) method to check password. Check the class fi.nls.oskari.user.DatabaseUserService (under oskari-server/service-users) for reference or implement your own. The custom authentication is enabled by default. To have for example JAAS determine the user principal you can disable it by adding oskari.request.handlePrincipal=false to

The user credentials are stored in database table oskari_jaas_users.

Adding new users based on external authentication tries to add users to Oskari database based on information in the request by default. To disable this add auth.add.missing.users=false to The users will have:

  • username as request.getUserPrincipal().getName()
  • first- and lastname is not set
  • uuid is generated automatically.
  • roles are mapped using request.isUserInRole("{{role name}}")

The role mapping is by default done against role names specified in oskari_roles, but can be mapped to external role name with a database table oskari_role_external_mapping. Set the role_id to point to role in oskari_roles and name to have the external role name.

Last modified: Mon Jun 24 2024 15:11:03 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)