Date: 2019-01-03

Paikkatietoikkuna – the national portal for geospatial information in Finland

This is a short story how Oskari was born. In late 2000s the National Land Survey of Finland started to draft ideas for national geoportal in order to full fill Eu's INSPIRE directives and other national GIS requirements.

And they went open source. Hence the first baby steps towards creating Oskari were taken.

Now Paikkatietoikkuna has hundreds of map layers and tens of map producers all over Finland.

National Land Survey of Finland has a core team of developers who are constantly upgrading the service and creating new tools.

Paikkatietoikkuna was initially built as a viewing service for INSPIRE data but it hosts multiple other map layer as well. It is also used as a test bed for creating thematic maps from statistical interfaces, testing geospatial analysis tools, provides possibility for everyone to test map publishing and embedded maps and also quite soon 3D visualisation tools. Most of these tools trickle into the core code base for Oskari.