Sample definition for a bundle instance file

The instance.js file is usually responsible for creating all the classes a bundle might need during its lifetime, registering possible request handlers and registering the bundle to the sandbox to be able to listen to events.

By extending DefaultExtension you can forget the nitty gritty details and focus on writing the application logic instead. All the functions can be overridden should you need to do something differently (in the example below, we override the getName function as it returns the name from config by default). Refer to the API documentation to see all the functions of DefaultExtension.

NOTE! Function afterStart was added in version 1.21.

 * This bundle logs the map click coordinates to the console. This is a demonstration of using DefaultExtension.
 * @class Oskari.<mynamespace>.<bundle-identifier>.MyBundleInstance
 * @method create called automatically on construction
 * @static
function () {
    // Best practice is to initialize instance variables here.
    this.myVar = undefined;
}, {
     * @static
     * @property __name
    __name : '<my-bundle-name>',
     * Module protocol method
     * @method getName
    getName : function () {
        return this.__name;
    eventHandlers: {
        'MapClickedEvent': function (event) {
            console.log('Map clicked at', event.getLonLat());
     * DefaultExtension method for doing stuff after the bundle has started.
     * @method afterStart
    afterStart: function (sandbox) {
        console.log('Bundle', this.getName(), 'started');
        this.myVar = 'foobar';
}, {
    "extend" : ["Oskari.userinterface.extension.DefaultExtension"]

If you're using version 1.20 or below, replace the afterStart function with following:

start: function () {
    var conf = this.conf,
        sandboxName = (conf ? conf.sandbox : null) || 'sandbox',
        sandbox = Oskari.getSandbox(sandboxName),

    this.sandbox = sandbox;
    /* Register to sandbox in order to be able to listen to events */

    /* Register as stateful if configured so */
    if (conf && conf.stateful === true) {
        sandbox.registerAsStateful(this.mediator.bundleId, this);

    /* Add extensions (Tile, Flyout, View). */
    /* Localization should have keys 'tile', 'flyout' and 'view' to start these, respectively. */
    /* Missing key means no extension for you. */
    request = sandbox.getRequestBuilder('userinterface.AddExtensionRequest');
    sandbox.request(this, request(this));

    /* Necessities done, let's get to business */
    console.log('Bundle', this.getName(), 'started');
    this.myVar = 'foobar';

Last modified: Tue Sep 17 2024 12:23:37 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)