Community behind the software

We are the Oskari Community: growing group of organizations, individuals and developers putting their interests together to improve and develop Oskari software.

Oskari development started already in 2008 when the first plans for Finnish national geoportal were drafted by the National Land Survey of Finland.

In 2011 Oskari's source code was opened because the interest within other organisation for similar map services became evident. After this the utilization of Oskari has grown from public sector using Oskari in multiple ways to companies providing Oskari based services.

The start of the actual Oskari community was in 2014 when a network for Oskari users was established in Finland and the Joint Development Forum was founded. Now we have tens of organisations involved in Finland and abroad!

Development is not just coding, it can be bug reporting, finding funding or marketing. Read the community goals and tasks and join the development!

If you can't find resources for developing, you can always try to set up a crowd funding plan. We help you to market it through our Oskari newsletter and other media.

Joint development

We encourage you to join Oskari development in different ways.

If you wish to implement a new feature for Oskari, let the world know about it by creating an issue of your idea to GitHub and describe it well. Check also the Community goals. There have been cases where multiple organizations have the same requirement and have been able to combine resources to make things happen but this isn't possible if information isn't shared!

Here is a template for creating Oskari OIP (Oskari improvement proposal). For larger changes affecting rest of the system this is the preferred way of describing changes. These change proposals are processed by the PSC (Project steering committee) for additional assurance that the change is good for the community and the software as a whole.

Community documents


Anyone is free to use Oskari source code and make it even better! If you have an idea, please join Oskari discussion in Gitter.

PSC and OSGeo

In late 2016 Oskari PSC was established. Oskari's PSC (Project Streeting Committee) is responsible for checking the code and they decide which features are added to the Oskari core.

Joint Development Forum

Joint Development Forum is a tight group of organisations that have an interest in developing Oskari togerther. It is formed by several organisational members providing funding for joint development, communication and bug fixing. Read more about the JDF.

Community members

It is totally free to be part of the Community. Organisational members have the opportunity to apply for the JDF as annual representatives of the community members. The new community members are elected every spring. Tell us how you are going to take advantage of Oskari, it can be software development, arranging meetups, education - all activities are encouraged. If you want to join the Oskari network as a organizational member or want to change your description, please contact or make a pull request and describe your organisation and development ideas on Oskari here.

Allready now we have lot's of organisations involved! We welcome also members from outside Finland 😉. Here is a list of all organisational members.

# Organisation Info
1 CGI Finland Ltd CGI offers consulting on Oskari related topics, mainly software development and maintenance. Contact: Jan Wolski
2 City of Helsinki Helsinki City is a member of Oskari Joint Development Forum. Contact for the City of Helsinki is Outi Hermans.
3 City of Joensuu "The aim of City of Joensuu is to utilize Oskari map service as a platform for geospatial knowledge management." - Jarno Kinnunen
4 City of Tampere City of Tampere is utilizing and developing Oskari software for internal & external use (Tampere map service). Contact: Jussi Tahvanainen.
5 City of Turku City of Turku is involved in Oskari development through Lounaistieto map service. Contacts: Harri Soini (City of Turku) & Natalia Räikkönen (Regional Council of Southwest Finland)
6 COSS association COSS - the Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions is a non-profit association that promotes open source, open data, open standards and APIs. COSS operation is based on far-reaching cooperation, communication and creating networks. The objective of COSS is to strengthen the competitiveness of Finland's software intensive industries, promote the growth and internationalization of open source businesses and reinforce the development of the Finnish information society with the support of open technologies and communities
7 Codento Ltd "At Codento we firmly believe in the power of open-source technologies such as Oskari. Our objective is to achieve cost-effective software development. We deliver maintainable software with a long and healthy life span. Codento provides both software engineering and GIS expertise."
8 Cybercom Ltd -
9 Digital and population data services agency utilize Oskari for creating public sector digital services. maps is provided by National Land Survey. Contact for Oskari community in Population Register Centre is Jari Suhonen.
10 Finnish Transport Safety Agency -
11 Finnish Heritage Agency Cultural environment information services are using Oskari. Contact: Minna Ryyppö, Finnish Heritage Agency.
12 Geological Institute of Finland -
13 Gispo Ltd "We offer training, consulting, development and maintenance on Oskari based services and can facilitate crowdfunding efforts for Oskari. We are currently providing the Oskari communication coordinator activities for the JDF." - Pekka Sarkola, Gispo Ltd
14 Gofore Ltd -
15 Helsinki Region Environmental services Helsinki Region Environmenttal services(HSY)Oskari map service is a download service for open data. HSY uses Oskari-based platforms also in extra- and intranet environments inside the organisation. Contact members in HSY: Elina Ojanperä and Henna-Kaisa Stjerberg
16 Hubble Ltd "Hubble is an agile software developer with a mission to humanize technology. We can help companies and communities in all projects that require Oskari development skills." - Jani Nurmi, Hubble Ltd
17 Infotripla Ltd "We offer geospatial interfaces about road information, like weather stations and traffic jams, and Oskari works as a client for our data" - Juha Laakso, Infotripla Ltd
18 Lappeenranta University of Technology -
19 National Land Survey of Finland Oskari is being used in several services and projects in National Land Survey of Finland: Paikkatietoikkuna - the national geoportal, Mapsite,, ArcticSDI and ELS Showcase Application etc. Contact: Timo Aarnio, Jaakko Viitala
20 National Land Survey of Island "Oskari is used as a mapviewer and connection tool to our National Geodata Portal in relation with National Spatial Data Infrastructure and INSPIRE." - Hafliði Sigtryggur, NLS-IS Magnússon
21 Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) "Luke published a Biomass Atlas in spring 2017 based on Oskari with new component development. Oskari functionalities are further utilized in Baltic Forbio project with Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia" - Eeva Lehtonen, Luke
22 Nitor Creations Ltd -
23 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (Finland) -
24 Ministry of Environment (Finland) -
25 Nordcloud (former SC5) -
26 Open Knowledge Finland -
27 PaikkaOppi "We have a new version of learning environment for GIS called PaikkaOppi using Oskari based service." - Virpi Hirvensalo, City of Turku
28 Paikkatietokonsultit Ltd -
29 PHZ Full Stack -
30 Pulakka Lab -
31 Reaktor Ltd -
32 Regional Authorities in Finland -
33 Regional Council of Southwest Finland / Lounaistieto Regional Council of Southwest Finland is providing Lounaistieto information service together with other organisations. Oskari is used within Lounaistieto map service. Contact: Natalia Räikkönen
34 Sitowise Ltd "Sitowise Oskari services include consulting, training and software development. Oskari is also used in Sitowise products, such as the map-based participatory survey tool Harava," Jan Lindbom, Sitowise Ltd. Sitowise provides its customers the full range of built environment services from planning to expert and digital services. Sitowise has a vast experience and strong expertise with developing Oskari-based GIS solutions for different types of organisations, making Sitowise one of the global leaders with Oskari knowledge.Sitowise Oskari services include consulting, training and software development. Oskari is also used in Sitowise products, such as the map-based participatory survey tool Harava. Sitowise has been a part of the Oskari development from the beginning by acquiring Dimenteq in the beginning of February 2018. Contact: Jani Levonen.
35 Spatineo Ltd -
36 Statistics Finland Statistics Finland is involved in the development of statistical data utilization and thematic mapping properties in Oskari. Project owner: Rina Tammisto, Statistics Finland
37 Suomen latu -
38 Tampere University of Technology "We have expertise in management of large data masses and imagery analysis and provide courses on GIS, image handling and pattern recognition. Now Oskari is being installed as part of MIKÄ DATA project where data based services are created for farmers." - Petri Linna
39 Ubigu Ltd "We offer consulting, installation and maintenance services for Oskari" Marko Kauppi, Ubigu
40 Unelmakouluprojekti -
41 Väylä Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency Väylä is actively involved in Oskari joint development. At the moment a download service has been developed in the organisation using Oskari and a feedback system using Oskari in the background have been released. Project owner: Markku Pitkänen – The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. Contact: Markku Pitkänen, Jenni Silvennoinen
42 XAMK "We want to utilize Oskari in our research and education when suitable project needs web based GIS solution. In education we use Oskari as an example of open source development and map based services. We hope to utilize Oskari even more in the future" Esa Hannus, XAMK.

Last modified: Tue Sep 17 2024 12:23:36 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)