
Community is Oskari’s core value. Oskari Community includes growing group of organizations, individuals and developers putting their interests together to improve and develop Oskari software. Members of the Oskari community share openly their skills and knowledge with each other and develop Oskari together. At the community, we are constantly developing new solutions and ways of working. Thanks to active development by the community, Oskari stays up to date. Everyone is welcome to participate in the development of Oskari. There are different ways people can join Oskari development community.

Oskari Otter


The community is coordinated by the National Land Survey of Finland. Oskari coordination is carried out by the technical coordinator, the product owner and the communications coordinator.

Sini Pöytäniemi

Sini Pöytäniemi

Product owner
National Land Survey of Finland

The product owner is the head of the Joint Development Forum. The product owner is responsible for the overall development of Oskari and organising the JDF meetings.

Sami Mäkinen

Sami Mäkinen

Technical coordinator
National Land Survey of Finland

The Technical Coordinator is responsible for the instructions for using, configuring and developing the Oskari software.

Juho Rekilä

Juho Rekilä

Communications coordinator
Gispo Finland Ltd.

The communications coordinator acts as the secretary for the JDF and is guided by the JDF. Communications coordinator is responsible for Oskari’s social media channels and content production.

Project steering committee

Oskari Project Steering Committee (PSC) is responsible for updating Oskari Roadmap and discusses the technical issues around in order to ensure consistent maintenance of the software. When new proposals are added to the Roadmap, the PSC members are informed and discussion on the suggested features should be active. Committing the feature is approved by the Project Steering Committee. Trusted developers can also be granted commit rights to the repository.

Oskari PSC will be compiled from active contributors, Oskari Community Members and Project owners. Anybody interested in working in Oskari PSC can become a member (see Adding members).Oskari PSC is a steering group, a not a management group. This means that the PSC’s job is to describe and decide which new features are adopted to repository. The implementation of these features are done by Community members or Project owner organizations in their projects. Oskari PSC also advises in issues related to Oskari development. The rules for Oskari PSC are adopted from GeoServer, GeoNode & other OSGeo projects.

Sami Mäkinen

Sami Mäkinen

National Land Survey of Finland

Jussi Arpalahti

Jussi Arpalahti

Timo Sallinen

Timo Sallinen

Marko Kuosmanen

Marko Kuosmanen

Oskari Rintamäki

Oskari Rintamäki

Janne Heikkilä

Janne Heikkilä

Anniina Iikkanen

Anniina Iikkanen

Joint development forum

Joint Development Forum is a tight group of organisations that have an interest in developing Oskari together. It is formed by several organisational members providing funding for joint development, communication and bug fixing.

Joint Development Forum, JDF, meets on a monthly basis.

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Commercial support

There are a number of organizations in the Oskari community that offer commercial support for Oskari. Support can be training, developing, installation or service management. Oskari is open source software and free to use but you don't always have the resources to install, manage and customize the software to your needs so commercial services are essential part of the open source ecosystem. If your organisation provides Oskari services commercially and is not found on the list, please make a pull request.

Companies offering commercial support