Oskari API documentation

Select request


AddFeaturesToMapRequest RPC

Allows user to add features to map.

Use cases

  • add features to map
  • update features from map, for example highlight


Adds vector features to the map or updates existing features.

The request takes two parameters. The first describes the features. When updating existing features on map, the first parameter is an object containing feature attributes that are used for feature matching. The second parameter options.

Adding features to map

The first parameter, geometry must be provided either as a WKT-string or a GeoJSON - object. Request creates a new feature layer if any layer with given layer id doesn't exist. Optionally, also additional layer control options such as features' style can be provided in a JSON-object.

Recommendable practice is to prepare a layer with VectorLayerRequest before adding features.


var WKT = "POLYGON ((358911.7134508261 6639617.669712467, 358911.7134508261 6694516.612323322, 382536.4910289571 6694516.612323322, 382536.4910289571 6639617.669712467, 358911.7134508261 6639617.669712467))";


var geojsonObject = {
      'type': 'FeatureCollection',
      'crs': {
        'type': 'name',
        'properties': {
          'name': 'EPSG:3067'
      'features': [
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'LineString',
            'coordinates': [[488704, 6939136], [489704, 6949136]]
          'properties': {
            'test_property': 1
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'Point',
            'coordinates': [488704, 6939136]
          'properties': {
            'test_property': 2

Updating existing features on map

The first parameter is an object containing a feature property that is used for feature matching. The value can be an array or a single value.

var updateFeatureWithProperty = {'test_property': [1,2]};

The property value can also be an object of properties that will be added to matching features.

var updateFeatureWithProperty = {
  'test_property': [
    { 'value': 1, 'properties': { 'newly_added_property': 10 }},
    { 'value': 2, 'properties': { 'newly_added_property': 20 }},

Updating supports layerId, prio and featureStyle options.


The second parameter is options.

Key Type Description
layerId string Layer's id to specify which layer you want to add features (if the layer does not exist one will be created).
animationDuration number On update requests it's possible to animate fill color change. Specify animation duration in ms.
attributes object Feature's attributes, especially handy when the geometry is a WKT-string.
clearPrevious boolean when true, the previous features will be cleared
centerTo boolean Whether to zoom to the added features.
maxZoomLevel number Limits zooming when using "centerTo" (only functions with centerTo). This is useful with for example zooming to a single point the map is usually zoomed "too close" without any restriction.
minScale number Same as maxZoomLevel, but instead of zoom level this restricts by scale.
cursor string Mouse cursor when cursor is over the feature.
prio number Feature prio. The lowest number is the most important feature (top on the layer). The highest number is the least important.
featureStyle object Defines a generic style used for all the features.
optionalStyles array Array of Oskari styles for geojson features. Style is used, if filtering values matches to feature properties.

See Oskari JSON style for style object definitions.


Add feature using GeoJSON

// Define the features as GeoJSON
var x = 488704, y = 6939136;
var geojsonObject = {
      'type': 'FeatureCollection',
      'crs': {
        'type': 'name',
        'properties': {
          'name': 'EPSG:3067'
      'features': [
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'LineString',
            'coordinates': [[x, y], [x+1000, y+1000]]
          'properties': {
            'test_property': 1
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'Point',
            'coordinates': [x, y]
          'properties': {
            'test_property': 2

// Add the features on a specific layer
var rn = 'MapModulePlugin.AddFeaturesToMapRequest';
var options = {
  layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER',
  centerTo: true

Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName(rn, [geojsonObject, options]);

Add feature using WKT

// Define a wkt-geometry
var WKT = "POLYGON ((358911.7134508261 6639617.669712467, 358911.7134508261 6694516.612323322, 382536.4910289571 6694516.612323322, 382536.4910289571 6639617.669712467, 358911.7134508261 6639617.669712467))";

// Some attributes for the feature
var attributes = {
  test_property: 1

// Add features
var rn = 'MapModulePlugin.AddFeaturesToMapRequest';
var options = {
  layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER',
  centerTo: true,

Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName(rn, [WKT, options]);

Update specific feature

// First add feature, feature format can be an WKT or GeoJSON
// Define a wkt-geometry
var WKT = "POLYGON ((358911.7134508261 6639617.669712467, 358911.7134508261 6694516.612323322, 382536.4910289571 6694516.612323322, 382536.4910289571 6639617.669712467, 358911.7134508261 6639617.669712467))";

// Some attributes for the feature
var attributes = {
  test_property: 100

// Add features
Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName('MapModulePlugin.AddFeaturesToMapRequest', [WKT, {
    layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER',
    clearPrevious: true,
    attributes: attributes

// Now update previously added feature
// For example change style and animate 1 second shift to new style
var featureStyle = {
  stroke: {
    color: '#00FF00',
    width: 5
  fill: {
    color: '#0000FF'

// Define wanted feature attributes
var updatedFeatureAttributes = { 'test_property': 1 };

var options = {
    featureStyle: featureStyle,
    layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER',
    animationDuration: 1000

     [updatedFeatureAttributes, options]

RPC examples

See Add or remove vector features for full example.

Related api

  • VectorLayerRequest
  • RemoveFeaturesFromMapRequest