Oskari API documentation

Select request


VectorLayerRequest RPC

Adds a new feature layer to map or updates an existing layer.

Use cases

  • Add a new feature layer
  • Update layer properties
  • Remove vector features layer


Prepares a layer for later use or updates an existing layer for vector features.

The request takes one parameter, options.

Key Type Description Example value
layerId string In case you want to add layer with specified id (if the layer does not exist one will be created). Needed, if at a later point you need to be able to remove features on only that specific layer or update the layer's properties. 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER'
layerInspireName string Layer Inspire name (theme) when adding layer to visible (see showLayer). 'Inspire theme name'
layerOrganizationName string Layer organization name when adding layer to visible (see showLayer). 'Organization name'
showLayer boolean / string Adds layer to layer selector as a selected map layer or if set to registerOnly only adds layer to layer selector list without adding it to the map/selection. true
opacity number 0-100 80
layerName string Name 'Layer name'
layerDescription string Description 'Description text'
layerPermissions object Permissions { publish: 'publication_permission_ok' }
minResolution number Features are not shown if map resolution isn't below this. 128
maxResolution number Features are not shown if map resolution isn't above this. 0.25
hover object Describes how to visualize features on hover and what kind of tooltip should be shown. See Hover Settings below
remove boolean If the key is present with "truthy" value the layer referenced with layerId is removed from the map. Defaults to undefined. true

Note! You can use minZoomLevel / maxZoomLevel or minScale / maxScale instead of minResolution / maxResolution.

Hover Settings

Note that features are not hovered while drawing is active (DrawTools).

Hover has two optional keys featureStyle and content. See Oskari JSON style for featureStyle definition.

Content should be content of tooltip as an array. Each object creates a row to the tooltip. Each row object has key or keyProperty and valueProperty. key is a label and will be rendered as is. valueProperty and keyProperty will be fetched from the feature's properties.

For example:

    'featureStyle':  {
        'inherit': true,
        'effect': 'darken'
    'content': [
        { 'key': 'Feature Data' },
        { 'key': 'Feature ID', 'valueProperty': 'id' },
        { 'keyProperty': 'type', 'valueProperty': 'name' }

The features would be darker on mouse hover and they would have a tooltip like:

Feature Data
Feature ID: 23098523243
Road: Main Street


Adding a new layer example

Only prepares a layer for later use. To add features to this layer see AddFeaturesToMapRequest.

var options = {
    layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER',
    layerInspireName: 'Inspire theme name',
    layerOrganizationName: 'Organization name',
    showLayer: true,
    opacity: 80,
    layerName: 'Layer name',
    layerDescription: 'Description text',
    layerPermissions: {
        'publish': 'publication_permission_ok'
    maxScale: 1,
    minScale: 1451336,
    hover: {
        'featureStyle':  {
            'inherit': true,
            'effect': 'darken'
Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName('VectorLayerRequest', [options]);

Update layer properties example

Define layerId which matches layer's id which should be updated. Add properties which should be updated. Note that if id doesn't match any existing layer, a new layer will be created.

var newOptions = {
    layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER', // existing id
    opacity: 100,
    hover: {
        'featureStyle':  {
            'inherit': true,
            'effect': 'darken'
        'content': [
            { 'key': 'Feature ID', 'valueProperty': 'test_property' }
Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName('VectorLayerRequest', [newOptions]);

Remove existing vector layer as part of cleanup

Define layerId which matches layer's id which should be removed. Add a remove-flag with boolean true value to remove the layer.

Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName('VectorLayerRequest', [{
    layerId: 'MY_VECTOR_LAYER', // existing id
    remove: true

Related api

  • AddFeaturesToMapRequest
  • RemoveFeaturesFromMapRequest