Oskari API documentation

Select request



Update the map layer data on map.

Use cases

  • Update WMS-layer with additional parameters on GetMap calls
  • Refetches features of a vector source from the server/service


Can be used to refresh a WMS-layer by adding parameters to the GetMap requests like SLD on compatible services or after updating contents of a WFS-service refetch the updated features.


(* means the parameter is required)

Name Type Description Default value
\* MapLayerId String id of map/vector layer used in Oskari.mapframework.service.MapLayerService
forced Boolean Forces the update (attaches a timestamp variable for WMS etc). Some parameters might not trigger the update automatically so this tries to make sure the content is refetched from the service. false
params Object For adding parameters to the request you can attach an object where keys are the params with values being the param value. Does not affect WFS layers currently. {}