My places functionality for a published map. Editing is not included, only creation and the default layer needs to be created by other means. Initial implementation and further development follows.
External graphic can be activated by changing OpenLayers bundle version to openlayers-graphic-fill and giving new style as additional parameter to the Drawin plugin. Adding external graphics in DrawPlugin.js:
var newStyle = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>\
<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" xmlns:sld="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ./Sld/StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd">\
<sld:OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#006666</sld:CssParameter>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</sld:CssParameter>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">1</sld:CssParameter>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">4 4</sld:CssParameter>\
// rewrite creation of drawPlugin in the start-function
// register plugin for map (drawing for my places)
var drawPlugin = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mapframework.ui.module.common.mapmodule.DrawPlugin', newStyle);
- ''Save external graphic patterns to the backend''
Bundle configuration
"queryUrl" : "[REPLACED BY HANDLER(url for wfst operations)]",
"featureNS" : "",
"layerDefaults" : {
"wmsName" : "oskari:my_places_categories"
"wmsUrl" : "/maptiles/myplaces?myCat="
- queryUrl is the url for WFST operations, if you are using oskari-server it will be resolved by the server
- featureNS is the namespace defined for geoserver for myplaces
- layerDefaults is an optional configuration that can be used to override some or all myplaces-layer defaults in code:
wmsName: 'ows:my_places_categories',
type: "wmslayer",
isQueryable: true,
opacity: 90,
metaType: this.instance.idPrefix,
orgName: catLoc.organization,
inspire: catLoc.inspire
Note! Changing metaType may result in unexpected behavior
- wmsUrl is the base url which returns images (myplaces category id is added to the end automatically/layer)
Requests the bundle handles
Request | How does the bundle react |
DrawPlugin.StartDrawingRequest | Returns drawing as a callback parameter |
DrawPlugin.StartDrawingRequest | Tells drawing plugin to start listening |
DrawPlugin.StopDrawingRequest | Tells drawing plugin to stop listening |
Requests the bundle sends out
Request | Why/when |
MapModulePlugin.GetFeatureInfoActivationRequest |
Events the bundle sends out
Event | When it is triggered/what it tells other components |
DrawPlugin.AddedFeatureEvent | Sent when a feature has been added |
DrawPlugin.FinishedDrawingEvent | Sent when a drawing has been finished |