Bundle manages analyse parameter and data setups, requests analyse execute actions and stores analyse results to DB through backend action route.

Bundle configuration
No configuration is required.
Bundle state
state : {
layerId : "{{id of the analysis layer or WFS layer}}",
method : "{{analyse method}}",
params : "{{{buffer_size, intersector, aggregate_function}}}",
styles : "{{{}}}",
propertymode : "{{all|none|columns}}",
columns : "{{column names, when propertymode is columns}}"
Requests the bundle sends out
Request | Why/when |
`userinterface.AddExtensionRequest` | Extends the basic UI view. |
Analyse view
Request | Why/when |
`userinterface.UpdateExtensionRequest` | Extends the basic UI view. |
`catalogue.ShowMetadataRequest` | layer metadata info request |
`DisableMapKeyboardMovementRequest` | for text input in flyout |
`EnableMapKeyboardMovementRequest` | for text input in flyout |
Events the bundle listens to
Event | How does the bundle react |
`userinterface.ExtensionUpdatedEvent` |
Enters/exits the analysis mode. |
`AfterMapLayerAddEvent` |
Refreshes the data panel |
`AfterMapLayerRemoveEvent` |
Refreshes the data panel |
Dependency | Linked from | Purpose |
jQuery |
Version 1.7.1 assumed to be linked on the page |
Used to create the UI |
OpenLayers |
Expects OpenLayers already to be linked |
Temp feature drawing and selected geometry editing |
Oskari mapmodule |
Expects to be present in the application setup |
To gain control to OpenLayers map |
Oskari mapanalysis |
Expects to be present in the application setup |
Needed to support the ANALYSIS layer type. |