Oskari API documentation

Select bundle

  • announcements
    Bundle for displaying announcements made with admin-announcements.
  • Core services
    Provided by the framework
  • layeranalytics
    Map layer problem tracker
  • layerlist
    A layer listing functionality for the geoportal.
  • mydata
    Provides generic container for listing user data and offers other functionalities a way to present user-specific information.
  • Map Publisher 2
    Allows creation of embedded maps
  • RPC
  • Search
    Provides basic search functionality without any UI
  • Selected-featuredata
    Allows infobox opening in new flyout
  • statehandler
    History functionality and state saving.
  • usagetracker
    Pings the server when any of the configured events occur.
  • statsgrid2016
    Statistics data display. This will replace the statsgrid bundle specification when the implementation has the comparable functionalities as the current one. The bundle depends on mapstats-bundle that provides support for statslayer layertype.



Provides functionality for other bundles to show an infobox on the map. For example information about a search result. Defines a plugin for mapmodule that handles the infobox as an Openlayers popup with customized UI. Also extends jQuery by an outerHtml method. Templates are created with jQuery but Openlayers popup needs the actual HTML, this is where we need outerHtml.



Bundle configuration

No configuration is required, but it can be used to adapt infobox size according to its content. If not set, infobox size will be 300px x 400px.

  "adaptable" : true

Bundle state

state : {
  popups : [
      id : <popup id>,
      title :  <popup title>,
      data :  <data as given in Oskari.mapframework.bundle.infobox.request.ShowInfoBoxRequest.getContent()>,
      lonlat : <OpenLayers.LonLat as location for the popup>


DependencyLinked fromPurpose
jQuery Version 1.7.1 assumed to be linked on the page Used to create the component UI from begin to end
OpenLayers Expects OpenLayers already linked To control map and show an Openlayers popup on it
Oskari mapmodule Expects to be present in application setup To register plugin to map/gain control to Openlayers map