Oskari API documentation

Select bundle

  • announcements
    Bundle for displaying announcements made with admin-announcements.
  • Core services
    Provided by the framework
  • layeranalytics
    Map layer problem tracker
  • layerlist
    A layer listing functionality for the geoportal.
  • mydata
    Provides generic container for listing user data and offers other functionalities a way to present user-specific information.
  • Map Publisher 2
    Allows creation of embedded maps
  • RPC
  • Search
    Provides basic search functionality without any UI
  • Selected-featuredata
    Allows infobox opening in new flyout
  • statehandler
    History functionality and state saving.
  • usagetracker
    Pings the server when any of the configured events occur.
  • statsgrid2016
    Statistics data display. This will replace the statsgrid bundle specification when the implementation has the comparable functionalities as the current one. The bundle depends on mapstats-bundle that provides support for statslayer layertype.



The Bundle provides a grid view for vector layers' object data.



Bundle configuration

No configuration is required, but there's one possible configuration:

  "selectionTools" : true

Setting selectionTools to true will add a new button to toolbar that opens a selection tool dialog. Using selection tools the user can select features by drawing point or area. Features that are inside or intersect the drawn area are selected.

Requests the bundle sends out

Request Where/why it's used
DrawTools.StartDrawingRequest Start drawing a geometry with selection tools
DrawTools.StopDrawingRequest Stop selection tools drawing
MapModulePlugin.GetFeatureInfoActivationRequest Enable/disable GFI functionality when featuredata flyout is opened/closed
Toolbar.AddToolButtonRequest Requests selection toolbar button
Toolbar.SelectToolButtonRequest Request opening selection tools

Events the bundle listens to

Event How does the bundle react
AfterMapLayerAddEvent A tab panel is added to the flyout for the added layer.
AfterMapLayerRemoveEvent Tab panel presenting the layer is removed from the flyout.
AfterMapMoveEvent Grid data is updated if the flyout is open. Data is only updated for the layer whose tab is currently selected.
DrawingEvent When selection tools finish drawing a selection is performed by the drawn geometry.
MapLayerEvent When a vector layer is added the bundle adds a tool to the layer allowing to open featuredata grid from the map layers - flyout.
MapLayerVisibilityChangedEvent Remove or add the tab of the layer whose visibility has changed. If active layer is removed, activate one of the remaining layers or if the removed layer was the last one close the flyout.
MapMoveStartEvent Reset the loading status of all the vector layers for the loading progress indicator.
WFSFeaturesSelectedEvent Highlights the feature(s) on the grid.
WFSStatusChangedEvent Shows a loading/error indicator on UI based on vector layer process status changes.


Dependency Linked from Purpose
Oskari toolbar Expects to be present in application setup To register plugin to toolbar