Oskari API documentation

Select bundle

  • announcements
    Bundle for displaying announcements made with admin-announcements.
  • Core services
    Provided by the framework
  • layeranalytics
    Map layer problem tracker
  • layerlist
    A layer listing functionality for the geoportal.
  • mydata
    Provides generic container for listing user data and offers other functionalities a way to present user-specific information.
  • Map Publisher 2
    Allows creation of embedded maps
  • RPC
  • Search
    Provides basic search functionality without any UI
  • Selected-featuredata
    Allows infobox opening in new flyout
  • statehandler
    History functionality and state saving.
  • usagetracker
    Pings the server when any of the configured events occur.
  • statsgrid2016
    Statistics data display. This will replace the statsgrid bundle specification when the implementation has the comparable functionalities as the current one. The bundle depends on mapstats-bundle that provides support for statslayer layertype.



This bundle provides a plugin (Oskari.mapframework.bundle.coordinatetool.plugin.CoordinateToolPlugin) for mapmodule that can:

  • shows coordinates on mouse location
  • shows coordinates on mouse map click
  • center map to given coordinates
  • add marker with given coordinates
  • as optional functionality coordinate transformation form one coordinate system to another can be added to the coordinatetool (configuration is needed)


screenshot screenshot

Bundle configuration

No configuration is required, but there is few possible configurations:

  • Setting projectionShowFormat to configure how different projections are showed in textfields. This setting supports all projections or projection specific configuration. In both of these metric property define decimal plates (if format is degrees then this seconds is rounded to wanted decimals), format property define showed format (degrees or metric). If not setted then metric format and 0 decimals are default. if projectionShowFormat not defined then using map units and this decimals.
    • Option to change all projections formats `
      "format": "degrees",
      "decimals": 4


  • Option to different projections `
    "EPSG:4258": {
        "format": "degrees",
        "decimals": 4
    "EPSG:3067": {
        "format": "metric",
        "decimals": 0


  • Or you can also define defaults and override some projections. Projection defination overrides defaults. `
    "format": "degrees",
    "decimals": 4,
    "EPSG:3067": {
        "format": "metric",
        "decimals": 0


  • Option to configure coordinatetool to show reverse geocode for the current position ( bundle config in the view in portti_view_bundle_seq table) `
    "isReverseGeocode": true,
    "reverseGeocodingIds": "WHAT3WORDS_CHANNEL"


  • Option to configure XY reference system changing functions (CRS code and view uuid,..) `
    "supportedProjections": {
        "EPSG:3035": "482333d1-f0d0-4410-aa65-60db4e45b853",
        "EPSG:3857": "1d65e6cc-4ac7-4dab-8a94-76b3dd632307"


  • Option to configure coordinate transformation tool: `
    "supportedProjections": [
      "EPSG:3067", "NLSFI:etrs_gk", "NLSFI:ykj",
      "EPSG:4258", "LATLON:kkj", "EPSG:3046",
      "EPSG:3048", "EPSG:3873", "EPSG:3874",
      "EPSG:3875", "EPSG:3876", "EPSG:3877",
      "EPSG:3878", "EPSG:3879", "EPSG:3880",
      "EPSG:3881", "EPSG:3882", "EPSG:3883",
      "EPSG:3884", "EPSG:3885"


  • Option to configure XY-icon not visible (for example coordinatetools is used in published map and it's opened/closed by RPC request): <pre><code class="hljs"><span class="hljs-punctuation">{</span> <span class="hljs-attr">&quot;noUI&quot;</span><span class="hljs-punctuation">:</span> <span class="hljs-literal"><span class="hljs-keyword">true</span></span> <span class="hljs-punctuation">}</span></code></pre>

  • Option to configure to show emergency call message: <pre><code class="hljs"><span class="hljs-punctuation">{</span> <span class="hljs-attr">&quot;showEmergencyCallMessage&quot;</span> <span class="hljs-punctuation">:</span> <span class="hljs-literal"><span class="hljs-keyword">true</span></span> <span class="hljs-punctuation">}</span></code></pre>

Requests the bundle sends out

Request Where/why it's used
MapMoveRequest Move map to selected coordinates.

Events the bundle listens to

EventHow does the bundle react
MouseHoverEventUpdates the coordinates gotten from event to the UI.
AfterMapMoveEventUpdates the updated coordinates for map center.
MapClickedEventUpdates the coordinates gotten from event to the UI.
Publisher.ColourSchemeChangedEventUpdates the UI colour schema from event.
Publisher2.ColourSchemeChangedEventUpdates the UI colour schema from event.


DependencyLinked fromPurpose
jQuery Assumes to be linked in the page Used to create the component UI from begin to end